Maternal-Newborn Care (N432)


Course Memo

 Maternal –Newborn Health
This course examines the concepts of maternal-newborn biological stages through classroom and clinical experiences. The focus is on the normal process of childbearing and family adaptation through healthy dynamics. Common perinatal and newborn complications are also addressed.
Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

  • Evaluate the nursing process to provide care throughout the normal process of childbearing.
  • Demonstrate safe, quality care of patients with common perinatal and newborn complications.
  • Coordinate with the healthcare team to plan care and provide health promotion education for the dyad.
  • Demonstrate teaching principles in the promotion of family health and developmental needs during the childbearing cycle.
  • Assess cultural differences and patient preferences into the care of the dyad.

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of all Semester 1 courses; N321 and N322 taken prior or concurrently.

Assigned Books