Leadership & Management (N443)


Course Memo

 Leadership and Management
This course builds on professional nurse leadership with a focus on management functions. It is designed to promote student comprehension of legal and ethical responsibilities, continuous quality improvement, and change theories. A clinical component is provided in a management setting with an emphasis on the development of a change or quality improvement project.
Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

  • Demonstrate the role of the professional nurse as a care manager, an advocate, a teacher, a counselor, a change agent, and a nursing leader for providing safe, ethical, and legal nursing care.
  • Develop a quality improvement plan to improve healthcare outcomes using research and other sources of evidence.
  • Integrate nursing leadership theories to facilitate interpersonal collaborations, conflict management, and team-building in health care systems.

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of all Semester 1, 2, and 3 courses.

Assigned Books